Blueprint builder for the brain? Yup, that is what I previously mentioned last week. We chatted about how our subconscious mind is like that of the software and our mind the hardware of a computer. Therefore, it only makes sense does it not that what we input, we would automatically output?
We are able to upload what ever data into the blueprint that we choose? Really? How can it be that simple? Well, it is that simple, but I did not say ‘ EASY’. Therefore, the hardest part is believing it is possible and sticking to the new habit of programming our new reality exactly the way we want it to be.
How do we do this you ask? Well, like that of a new building to be reconstructed. Or a destination that you want to reach, example – your dream, or dharma. First you have to know exactly where it is you might want to go, or what you are building correct? Then you would reverse engineer your blueprint back to the starting point.
Starting with the End in Mind:
Yup, you guessed it! If you know where you are going, then we break it down. That is why the blueprint becomes our starting point. But, in order for a blueprint to contain all the details, the locations, the fabrication of said building or life there needs to be a vision. What does this building or life look like? Where might you want to build this new life or home? How soon do you want this to manifest into your life? and most importantly how does all of this make you feel?
Wow, I am exhausted when I start asking all those questions. Slowly, I am noticing excitement that is overwhelming me, that turns to anxiousness, then worry! I don’t know how all of you operate under pressure, but when I was asked all of this last year on my first round and journey of the Master Key of what to put into my DMP to start building my blueprint. I did not have a BLEEPING, (to be polite) CLUE……..Yikes!!
I never thought about me, what I ever really wanted. I thought I was happy being a mom, having kids, running a business and married to a wonderful and supportive man. Both of us loving our careers, busy doing sports with kids, the bills were being paid, we had a great home! So, what else is there?
Mindful Meditation:
Well, blessed was I once I spent a few days with one of the new habits stowed upon us. At first, I thought of it a chore! Who has time to just ‘SIT’ still and in silence for like 20 minutes. Like for real? Everyday, and after 15 – 30 minutes of reading? Yuck, I hate reading with all of my whole being.
Wow, so if I was going to start a new blueprint, create a new “ME”, I needed to start with reading and then sitting? I contemplated if I was up for the challenge, these two were big hurdles for me. Much like that rock in the photo above. Nope, I lied, it was much more like the thought of climbing MOUNT EVEREST. Noticed how I capitalized that, ha, ha!
Certainly, if others were capable of this feat. I decided that I was NOT going to be a quitter. I wanted this Master Key Experience to be the ‘one thing’ I did not quit and stubbornly decided to just go ‘DO IT NOW’ and get to work. Why? Because if all of this blueprint building was correct I wasn’t going to chance not doing it.
I knew that listening, learning and doing the work as the team guiding me is doing whom are getting their DMP’s or dreams coming true, that it concludes possibilities for me!
I am now becoming hopeful that this new blueprint is the start of my brighter future!
Next week, I promise to share the exact words that we read daily from our blueprint builder from the #MasterKeyExperience.
Brenda, you’re blazing a trail helping others to eliminate a word from their personal vocabulary, “FAIL.” Beautiful! 🙂
That is the plan!!! thank you Loren!
Week 2 has lots of great principles!
I am so glad to be part of this for a second year, every week has so much content and principals!
Building the blueprint, reprogramming the mind (the most powerful computer any of us have) in order to create a new me! Difficult yes, but fantastic at the same time.
I have always said instead of difficult, just use the word “different” !!
Growth happens in the challenging times! If we could only remember that in amongst the difficult times. I have learnt to say to myself, this is not hard, it’s just different!!